With some adjustment of the column widths fonts etc. Unlike esttab the outreg2 command does not have an option to insert markup directly from within Stata.
Using Outreg2 For Regression Output In Stata Stata Tutorial
Model 2 have robust standard errors at the bottom of the table in the word file.

Outreg2 excel error table. Thus you will have to add the markup below manually. Quietly regress price weight mpg est1 stored. Sometimes we also require the number of instruments to be reported.
Quietly regress price weight mpg foreign est2 stored. Model 2 have robust standard errors regress price mpg headroom trunk displacementrobust outreg2 using results word append ctitle Model 2 Robust label dec 2 The above command adds a note saying Model 1 represents results of OLS. Begin table htbpcentering caption Logit label tab1.
Outreg2 using myregdoc replace ctitleModel1 The error is that file myregtxt cannot be opened. For older versions of outreg2 you may need to specify the option word or excel after comma Mac users click here to go to the directory where myregdoc is saved open it with Word you can. Sysuse auto 1978 Automobile Data.
Of regression tables is much reduced if waited until the end of research. Outreg2 using results replace word dec3 addstatAR1ear1p AR2 ear2p Hansen ehansenp Sargan esarganp Number of Instruments ej. To produce a table for use with Excel specify an output filename and apply the csv format or the scsv format depending on the language version of Excel.
Outreg2 using table tex replace label cti odds ratio eform. Also t if you select a table in Stata and choose copy table you can paste the table into Excel and it will retain the columns. That is in columns not the notes at the bottom of the table or the title at the top if any and choose Table Convert Text to Table.
Outreg2 using myfiletex alpha001 005 010 onecol dec3 replace This does what I would expect where it generates a table of the following form approximately. V3_t10 Dependent var x. The resulting table is saved to the disk.
Shellout opens them directly in programs associated with LaTex Word or Excel files. You might have better luck with one of the other routines that export results. The regression outputs are produced piecemeal and are difficult to compare without some type of rearrangement.
In order to add all these statistics to our output table we make use of the addstat option. My version is STATA 13 fully updated and the latest version of outreg2 and I was able to run outreg2 for several months with no issues so this is a recent issue as of the last couple of weeks. Outreg2 provides a fast and easy way to produce an illustrative table of regression outputs.
Outreg2 will immediately produce formatted regression tables. Ive looked at some threads noting that slowing down the speed of outreg2. I like outreg2 but there are several others that work as well.
In Excel open the file created by outreg and follow the default choices in the Text Import Wizard. Outreg2 automates this process by concatenating the successive regression outputs in a vertical format. The final table is ready.
This is my coding. Outreg a program by John Gallup has been modified and augmented extensively for this purpose. To shift the table within MS Word highlight the entire table choose Table Properties go the top menu drag down on the Table option and then click the alignment as Left instead of Center.
Esttab using examplecsv output. Outreg2 using myregdoc replace ctitleFixed Effects addtextCountry FE YES You also have the option to export to Excel just use the extension xls. In Excel open the file created by outreg2 and follow the default choices in the Text Import Wizard if you do not see the file choose All Files as the File Type.
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